Make Your Mark on International Dot Day!

…“Dot Day”? To find out, read the book that inspired this special day! The Dot, written by Peter Reynolds, is a short picture book suitable for all ages. It’s the

How to Cure the Classroom Library Blues

(bookmark) that they put where they pulled out the book. It stays there until they put the book back to get a new one. Since their marker is there personal…

Managing Whole Group Instruction

…seats without permission. They need something tangible to remind them to follow the classroom procedures. I have found that using raffle tickets helps tremendously. I give students 2 raffle tickets

5 Ways to Make Your Students Smile

Guest blog post by Molly Phillips of Classroom Confections This post was inspired by a t-shirt. That’s right! While wearing a ‘smile’ t-shirt at the Vegas airport, a security guard…

5 Engaging Ways to Introduce New Content

…like the start of an epic movie. And how you choose to introduce that new information can make it or break it. Our students can be some of the toughest…